Happy Birthday... Sounds so good and happy for me, especially in this month. 3 of my close friends celebrate their birthdays in March, not to mention my mom and some other friends as well. Since December, it is a habit that we always surprise the lucky one with something really unexpected. The idea came from my birthday. I celebrated it in Germany but on the day I arrived home my friends surprised me quite well. I wanted to meet at least 3 of them, but somehow nobody had the time to meet me. Of course they gathered at a restaurant, where they knew I would go to. It was quite an experience. So when December came, I organised a little party in a nice café for one of my best friends. We knew that she would nip in for a minute, but I am sure she didn't think that she would spend the rest of the day there. She told me that it was the best birthday party ever. I was really proud of myself... :) Next one was my sister's birthday. It was fascinating too. We always have to figure out something new and unexpected. Often it is really hard to organise it and takes much time and money but it worth that. It is nice to see the excited faces.
The spring season of the other 'birthday-dump' started last weekend. Zsófi's 19th birthday was really good as well. She liked the present very much. And now here comes the one I have been waiting for so long. Lilla's 19th birthday, my mother's birthday and a names day party. It is going to be a bit 'crowded' weekend but I'm sure, pretty good at the same time. After that, next weekend comes another B'day. It is going to be a 'sweet 18th' birthday.. I wish I was so young too... :D I am invited to the family lunch as well. And after that, in the evening comes the best fun; being with friends and being surprised.
I really like organising parties as you can may see, but sometimes I find myself thinking about my B'day. The second X or something like that. I know that things won't change so much as they didn't change when I turned 18 almost two years ago. But I really don't feel like an adult in many cases. I won't start telling about details, because I share almost the same feelings as Andi told us about some weeks ago. I think we all know what it feels like. Anyway I'm sure the celebration will be such fun but this time it is going to be a hard row to hoe for my dear friends. :)We'll see in August!
Have a nice weekend!
3 megjegyzés:
Nory sorry for saying that but you becoming older and oolder:)What a shame:)
Easy to say that still at the age of 18... :D I like you so much.. :D
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